The refinery has four products that are composed of gasoline with three different octane levels and one grade of diesel fuel. 该炼油厂拥有4项产品,包括3种不同等级的汽油和一种等级的柴油。
The refinery is a significant piece of infrastructure as China looks to boost availability of gasoline and other refined oil products across the less developed southwestern portion of the country. 中国目前着眼于在欠发达的西南地区增加汽油和其它成品油供应,而炼油厂是基础设施的重要组成部分。
Advance in deep desulfurization process of refinery products 炼油厂产品深度脱硫工艺的研究进展
The preceding provision does not apply to oil refinery operators who obtained their operation licenses prior to the complete opening of the oil market to imported products. 但在油品全面开放进口前已取得石油炼制业经营许可执照者,不在此限。
In fact, a refinery is essentially a group of manufacturing plants that vary in number with the variety of products produced; 实际上,炼油厂从根本上说是一组生产装置,其数量根据生产产品的不同而不同。
Oil refinery: Refers to a business that uses oil as its raw material to engage in the manufacture of petroleum products through the process of distillation, refining, or blending. 五石油炼制业:指以石油为原料,经蒸馏、精炼及掺配之炼制程序,从事制造石油制品之事业。
Applications of Energy-Saving and Environmental Protection Type Dryers in Fabrication of Catalyst for Oil Refinery and Drying Polymer Products 节能环保型干燥设备在炼油催化剂制备及聚合物产品干燥中的应用
In processing high sulfur crude oil, the YPC refinery gradually found that the sulfur had harmful effects to quality of its products and causing equipment erosion. 扬子炼油厂在加工高硫原油过程中,逐步感受到硫对产品品质、设备腐蚀的影响和危害。
Refinery processes must be selected and products manufactured to give a balanced operation: that is, crude oil must be converted into products according to the rate of sale of each. 炼油工艺须经选择,产品生产应该平衡:即从原油生产产品必须依据每一产品销售速度而进行。
That is because it has imported manufactured and high-value added goods until it opened its first refinery last year, all its refined petroleum products were imported and exported basic raw materials and low-value added items. 这是因为,越南进口的是工业制成品和高附加值产品在其首座炼油厂去年开张之前,越南所有的成品油都是来自进口而出口的是基础原材料和低附加值产品。
In a refinery, crude oil enters at one point and flows continuously through pipes in various devices as it is being processed into such products as gasoline and fuel oil. 在一家石油精练厂,原油源源不断的通过各种设备的管道被加工成汽油和燃料油。
The factors affecting the economic benefits of refinery projects are studied, such as crude processing loss, operating capacity, turnaround time and inconsistency of prices of crude oil and oil products. 研究了炼油项目经济效益分析中存在的原油加工损失、全厂开工负荷、装置运行周期,以及原油与产品价格的联动不一致性等现实影响因素。
The author also points out that Shijiazhuang Refinery should insist on science technology achievement, adjusting the construction of products, carrying out the activities of refining, chemical, chemical fiber according to different requirement, improving the competition of the enterprise in the market. 提出了石家庄炼油厂应以坚持科技进步,调整产品结构,宜油则油、宜化则化、宜纤则纤,提高自身的市场竞争能力为企业的发展战略目标。
Sulphur dioxide has become one of the main pollution sources to atmospheric environment in our country. So it is of great significance to improve air quality by increasing the rate of sulphur reclamation in oil refinery and decreasing sulphur content of oil products. 二氧化硫已成为我国大气环境的主要污染源之一,因此炼油企业提高硫回收率,降低石油产品硫含量对改善空气质量具有重要意义。
Design and Application of Control System for Refinery Products Truck Loading 油品装车自控系统的设计与应用
The refinery products truck loading is an important link for the refinery, adopting automatic control system to realize the truck loading automatically can offer the advantages of higher measuring accuracy, decreasing labor strength, improving management level and more profit. 油品装车外运是石油企业的一个重要环节,采用装车自控系统实现油品装车的自动控制,可以提高装车的精度,减轻劳动强度,提高管理水平和效益。
Based on his excellent port condition, Ningbo has already become oil refinery and chemical products manufacturing base. 宁波依托其良好的港口条件,已成为我国重要的炼油、化工生产基地。
Ca-Al series alloys are fine final deoxidation agent and refinery. They are the mechanical mixture surrogate products of "pure Al powder, pure Ca powder and Fe powder". Ca-Al系列合金是良好的终脱氧剂和精炼剂,是纯Al粉+纯Ca粉+Fe粉机械混合物的替代产品。
Nonlinear oil blending models are introduced into an integrated control system for a typical refinery. The integrated algorithm can connect crude oil blending linear model, order-oriented short-term scheduling model, nonlinear blending model of products oil and inventory management model together. 结合上海某炼油厂的实际生产情况,引入油品非线性调合模型,提出了集成控制原油线性调合、基于订单的短期生产计划、成品油非线性调合及库存管理的算法。
At the same time, Nanchong refinery should take measures to decrease its products 'cost, cath the market of southwest China, expand near markets to increase the market share, develop new products to meet the need of the market. 同时采取措施降低生产成本、稳定西南地区区域市场,开拓相邻区域市场,扩大市场份额和影响,开发适销对路的新产品。
The crude oil containing water is harmful to the transportation, refinery, and quality of the products so that demulsification is one of the key steps in various sectors of the oil industry, including crude oil transportation, petroleum refinery, as well as oil production. 原油含水对原油储运、加工、产品质量及设备等均造成很大危害。因此,原油的破乳脱水历来是石油开采及加工生产中最重要的环节之一。